heart in the clouds

April 24, 2012

Two Weeks Already??

I hear mothers say ALL the time, "cherish every moment because it goes way too fast", and man are they right! I can't believe he is already 14 days/2 weeks/one half of a month old!? How can that be?? It was just yesterday that we were the completely inexperienced parents (trust me, we're definitely not professionals now!) holding a little 8lb miracle!

As you all were aware of our first week fiasco, as we'll call it, the second week has seemed to go by somewhat better and less eventful. Although our sleep is still very much deprived, we're enjoying spending more and more time with "awake Blake" :) It is fun seeing him learn to look at things... supposedly he can only see things anywhere from 12-18 inches from his face :) This makes feeding time so much fun! While this is a lot of fun...he is definitely a growing boy! He is already at 4 ounces per feeding (every 3 hours) and as of lately sometimes we'll think 4 ounces is enough and then an hour later he is STILL hungry! I think we may have a monster on our hands that is definitely going to give us a run for our money :)

Not too many stories of interest in the last week other than his belly button falling off! When we went to his little check up, it wasn't looking like it was coming off anytime soon. So the PA went ahead and put a drying agent on it to assist in it falling off.

The very next night, it was D's turn for the 4am feeding... he comes rushing into our room as I'm TRYING to catch what few Z's I can... and he says "babe! what do I do with his belly button??" Thinking to myself..."nothing... you just leave it till it falls off now let me sleep!!"

When I got into the room he pulls away his little sleeper on his leg and there lies the "belly button" HAHA! he says "no...like what do I do with this?!" I quickly grabbed a wipe on the changing table... picked it up off of little Blake's tiny leg, and tossed it in the trash. He looks at me like "how am I supposed to know what to do!?" haha Not that I know what to do at all either... but it definitely cracks me up how D gets caught up in these little small things. Lets just say that we are NOT keeping the belly button for his shadow box of "firsts"!

Happy 2 week birthday sweet little lion!

April 20, 2012

2 Week (almost) Appointment

B-man is doing GREAT! He had his 2 week doctors appointment (although he's only 10 days old). He is in the 50th and 55th percentile for height and weight, right down the middle so that's good considering we thought this was going to be a toddler walking out of me when he was born :) I must have just been carrying him in a weird way or something that made him seem larger than he really was.

We are slowly getting into some sort of a routine...lets just say the little guy sleeps for about 3-4 hours...poops once a day or so and then pees at every feeding :) Which is normal...meaning that we go through at least 6-8 diapers a day and most days closer to 10 because the little guy likes to pee right after you put a new one on :) We're quickly learning just how expensive this little man is, but worth EVERY penny!

We had his newborn photo shoot yesterday... and OH my goodness what a cutie he is... I know I'm biased people, but seriously he is irrresistable! Here are a few that I got on my phone while Bryndi (with Brynmarae Photography...she does a GREAT job!) took her pics. I grabbed my phone (trust me, this is no profressional quality here!) at the end so these are all of him sleeping, but there are more that will be up to look at in a couple weeks or so. Enjoy!

The story behind the sock monkey outfit is that D used to have a sock monkey of his own, in fact I believe his mom still has it and he is too embarassed to ask her for it so he could be comforted through the nights here in Denver, and well I saw this adorable outfit on Pinterest and just loved the whole sock monkey thing. I LOVE the way they turned out!

This is my fav of the ones I took... I'm sure I'm going to LOVE all the others from Bryn!

Proud Daddy! Doesn't D look scared?? haha He was! He was terrifed he was going to hurt the little guy.  I also love how Blake has his little toes curled up on D's arm... so adorable!

You see...what Blake doesn't know is that I've secretly already planned to black mail him with these photos in his senior yearbook in high school...you know the ones they have parents send in for the whole  HS to see?? yeah... I've already plotted that :)

We will keep everyone posted of any new things with Blake...even if its his first booger... laugh...giggle... etc :) 

Much love 

April 17, 2012

Happy 1 Week Birthday!

Blake is 1 week old already! I know time flies when you're having fun, but apparently it also flies by when you're new parents with little sleep! I feel like we just blinked and a second ago he was just coming into this world!

To celebrate his big birthday today, we changed 2 dirty diapers, fed him 4 times already, and took a trip to Bass Pro Shop! Funny how your priorities quickly change :)

The week was full of challenges such as...

** Day one home - we were so sleep deprived that first night due to us trying to figure out some sort of schedule... I of course had to make things harder on myself than I should have...knocked an entire glass of water over to help D change a dirty diaper... thank goodness it was water! Then ran upstairs to grab something for the little guy and slipped down about 4 stairs straight on my tail bone! I haven't been able to sit, stand, walk right since the day we got home! It is getting better, but definitely painful...Looking back, I think this tail bone bruise was almost worst than giving childbirth!

**Day Two home - truly showed our parenting skills... had Blake's first doc appointment and it is LITERALLY right down the street from our home. Thinking it would be something quick and this little boy has been SO good at sleeping through things, we brought NOTHING with us :) Of course...any parent with experience knows the cardinal rule...never leave home without the kitchen sink :) The SECOND we get to the doctor he's wide awake of course and starting to fuss... he peed right out of his diaper and all up the back of his clothes... then he was super fussy because  he was hungry. GO figure we didn't have a bottle either :) Fortunately the doctors office was very accomodating for us first time parents and gave us a new diaper and some formula as well as a ready mixed bottle :) Thank you Advanced Pediatrics for saving us that day :)

**Day Four home - Blake is quickly running through clothes each day between spit ups and peeing out of his diaper (what they DON'T tell you when you leave the hospital is to put his little weiner facing SOUTH and not NORTH!)...so we took a short trip to Target to get some cute little clothes to style this little guy up!  After learning from the Day 2 situation, I rounded up the diaper bag... put extra clothes in there, diapers...wipes... a bottle filled with water and we were off! Of course we get to the store and he's hungry... so I reach in to the diaper bag to mix his bottle and the formula wasn't in there. Why would it be right??? haha So we quickly swung into the formula isle and broke open a new package and fed B man right there. You would think I would learn right?? At least I was maybe 2 steps further than the day 2 situation :)

All in all being a parent has truly been amazing. I can't even believe how much this little guy has grown and is now more awake than ever! Like I said before, it has showed us both a love we never knew before!

Nursery Update

So I know I promised the final product for Blake's nursery. I'm JUST now getting to this... call me a procrastinator?? Here is the little man's room :)

Finished changing dresser/changing table. I love the color against the gray and white stripes!

The decals have his initials in the middle!

Dustin's mom cross stitched this for him when he was born. I just moved it to a different frame and matting. Isn't it adorable??

Blake Thompson Mitchell

Mommy & Daddy

All the girls for my shower gave Blake a book to start his very own library! I love that we won't run out of things to read!

"Love at first sight"...stay tuned for the sock monkey :)

Really cute diaper cake my neighbor made for Blake. The style actually matched the bedding without her even knowing it :)

Closet full of clothes already! We're going through them quickly though!