April 17, 2012

Happy 1 Week Birthday!

Blake is 1 week old already! I know time flies when you're having fun, but apparently it also flies by when you're new parents with little sleep! I feel like we just blinked and a second ago he was just coming into this world!

To celebrate his big birthday today, we changed 2 dirty diapers, fed him 4 times already, and took a trip to Bass Pro Shop! Funny how your priorities quickly change :)

The week was full of challenges such as...

** Day one home - we were so sleep deprived that first night due to us trying to figure out some sort of schedule... I of course had to make things harder on myself than I should have...knocked an entire glass of water over to help D change a dirty diaper... thank goodness it was water! Then ran upstairs to grab something for the little guy and slipped down about 4 stairs straight on my tail bone! I haven't been able to sit, stand, walk right since the day we got home! It is getting better, but definitely painful...Looking back, I think this tail bone bruise was almost worst than giving childbirth!

**Day Two home - truly showed our parenting skills... had Blake's first doc appointment and it is LITERALLY right down the street from our home. Thinking it would be something quick and this little boy has been SO good at sleeping through things, we brought NOTHING with us :) Of course...any parent with experience knows the cardinal rule...never leave home without the kitchen sink :) The SECOND we get to the doctor he's wide awake of course and starting to fuss... he peed right out of his diaper and all up the back of his clothes... then he was super fussy because  he was hungry. GO figure we didn't have a bottle either :) Fortunately the doctors office was very accomodating for us first time parents and gave us a new diaper and some formula as well as a ready mixed bottle :) Thank you Advanced Pediatrics for saving us that day :)

**Day Four home - Blake is quickly running through clothes each day between spit ups and peeing out of his diaper (what they DON'T tell you when you leave the hospital is to put his little weiner facing SOUTH and not NORTH!)...so we took a short trip to Target to get some cute little clothes to style this little guy up!  After learning from the Day 2 situation, I rounded up the diaper bag... put extra clothes in there, diapers...wipes... a bottle filled with water and we were off! Of course we get to the store and he's hungry... so I reach in to the diaper bag to mix his bottle and the formula wasn't in there. Why would it be right??? haha So we quickly swung into the formula isle and broke open a new package and fed B man right there. You would think I would learn right?? At least I was maybe 2 steps further than the day 2 situation :)

All in all being a parent has truly been amazing. I can't even believe how much this little guy has grown and is now more awake than ever! Like I said before, it has showed us both a love we never knew before!

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! You are too funny! I think you make a great mama and I can't wait to see your little man! He's so presh!
