May 21, 2014



The Mitchell's are doing pretty good...we have been absent on this blog, but life has been happening before our eyes!

Blake is now 2.. T.W.O... can you believe that!? I know I can't! He is everything anyone has ever described a two year old boy as: loving, always listens, plays nicely...SCRATCH that! He is loving, but when he isn't loving, he is a wild boy, climbing on virtually everything, not listening to his parents, defying the rules, and well LOVES to play outside. He is so much fun now and is talking up a storm! His favorite thing to do lately is sing songs together, and it is THE cutest thing!

Brody is now 1...O.N.E...can you even believe that!? THIS I definitely cannot baby baby is now a toddler! A shorty little toddler who loves to snuggle, laughs ALL the time, loves to chase after his brother, and eats more than the 3 of us combined HA! Brody LOVES to play with cars and is terrified of the grass. I'm scared to see how the summer will be and I'm hoping he gets over this :)

Dustin and I are doing well... as with any marriage there have been some rough patches, but this has brought us closer than before and we made a commitment to each other that will not be broken! Dustin is working with CDOT full time now and officially drives around a little white truck "inspecting" projects spending the governments money :) He is also in school to get an engineering of these days :)

Its me really, who constantly feels like things are not going the way I'd like.... my job has changed and I'm not sure its for me. Not to mention I've been doing this here job for nearly 10 years! And now I'm having a crisis to find out what it IS that I really want to do anyways! I am constantly struggling to find "me" time and I'm constantly measuring up to others, be it on Facebook, Pinterest, and other social media outlets... so I have decided to take a sabbatical from the "book" and work on ME! I'm trying to get my "happy" back (queue the "Happy" song) and I feel like I need to revert back to old ways...not to mention what am I teaching my oh so mold-able boys about communicating with others?! Here is to a family with NO social media influences on me, but ME just telling our story.

JUST the way I like it!

This right here is EXACTLY how I feel...

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